Thursday, 23 December 2010
Merry Christmas…
On behalf of our entire team I would like to wish all of you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Hopefully you get to spend some quiet, peaceful time with your loved ones.
Of course we will continue to post interesting and helpful news from the world of Windows Embedded here on our blog in 2011.
Meanwhile, if there are any topics that your would like to discuss further or that you think that are missing on our blog, please let me know so in the comment section!
Again, Happy Holidays to you all! I will spent Christmas with my wife and my parents in southern Germany. From what it looks like we will have a white Chrismas.
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Thursday, 16 December 2010
Windows Embedded CE QFEs for November 2010 have arrived!
Hi all,
new updates for Windows Embedded CE are available for download. Some issues have been resolved, no time to loose and get them now! More information for each update is provided in the Readme document available after the individual update(s) has been installed.
Windows Embedded CE 5.0 Monthly Update November 2010:
Fixes made in this update:
Component: DirectX
101112_KB2449685 - This update addresses an issue with WMA media file format.
Windows Embedded CE 6.0 Monthly Update November 2010:
Fixes made in this update:
Component: COMM
101130_KB2467615 - This update addresses an issue with CPU load increase.
Component: DirectX
101112_KB2444607 - This update addresses an issue with WMA media file format.
101130_KB2465624 - This update addresses an issue with decoder.
Component: FATFS
101117_KB2461004 - This update addresses an issue with ScanDisk module.
Component: Flash Lite
101115_KB2424582 - This update addresses issues with Adobe Flash Lite plug-in and onKillFocus event.
Component: Imaging
101101_KB2423109 - This update addresses memory leak in PNG encoder.
Component: Internet Explorer
101130_KB2429701 - This update addresses an issue with file download.
101130_KB2461047 - This update addresses an issue with Internet Explorer.
Component: pWord
101130_KB2426162 - Wordpad application window may not rotate when the device screen is rotated 90 degrees.
Keep your OS up to date!
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Sunday, 5 December 2010
embeddedSPARK 2011 Challenge
Round 1 of this years embeddedSPARK Challenge ends on January 2nd 2011. So hurry and enter your idea for a Windows Embedded Compact 7 project for a chance to win $15,000!
By the way, this year I will be a judge for the embeddedSPARK Challenge.
Have fun!
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Friday, 3 December 2010
Embedded Software Engineering Kongress 2010
es ist mal wieder so weit: vom 07. bis zum 09. Dezember 2010 findet der diesjährige ESE-Kongress in Sindelfingen statt. Mit 97 Fachvorträgen und 10 Kompaktseminaren aus Entwicklung, Forschung, Lehre und Management bietet der ESE-Kongress reichlich Stoff für neue Ideen, Lösungswege und angeregte Diskussionen.

Ich werde am 09.12.2010 auf dem ESE-Kongress sein und den Echzeit & RTOS Track moderieren.
Ich hoffe Sie sind neugierig geworden. Ich freue mich auf Sie!
Have fun!
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